
Can AI help when thinking about local food futures?

Joanna Watson18 Jun 2024

Afreen Saulat talks about how AI can help thinking about local food insecurity and food waste, inspired by a recent AI and Community Action Lab.

Tools for mapping land for community-led growing

17 May 20231.25 MB PDF file

Read this summary of community-friendly mapping tools to help speed up and demystify the process of accessing land for growing food.

How to map neglected spaces for community-led growing

Mary Stevens15 May 2023

Mary Stevens discusses the difficulties of identifying land available for community growing and what tools could help.

The seeds of a nature-based curriculum

Mandy Holden18 Jan 2023

We capture some reflections from Darren Squires and Amrish Pandya on working in schools on projects part-funded by the Local Nature Innovation Fund.

Kale Yeah! resources

14 Dec 2022External link

Check out our Kale Yeah! resources, which help caterers rebalance their menus, incentivise customers to make more sustainable choices and promote the scheme.

What we learned from Dyffryn Gwyrdd – is this the start of something big?

Joanna Watson01 Aug 2022

Joanna Watson captures the reflections of the Experiments team after our get-together in North Wales.

“10x Greener - it’s not just about growing veg”

Ciaran Biggins29 Jun 2022

Ciaran Biggins reflects on ten things he’s learned from reviewing our current 10xGreener projects.

How local projects can inspire a stronger connection with nature

Joanna Watson25 May 2022

We list the nature-related projects that will be supported by Friends of the Earth’s Local Nature Innovation Fund.

Mapping land to unlock our local food growing potential

14 Jul 2021

How our woodland mapping tool has been adapted to identify land for food.

How a peer learning approach to personal finance inspired Know Better Food

Joanna Watson03 Nov 2020

Kate Ford of Better Food Traders explains why they were inspired to trial OwnIt's peer learning approach to help people make better food choices.

Batch cooking: how to share meals and child care

31 Jan 2020

How inter-generational batch cooking could tackle loneliness and help children eat better, healthier food.