The problem

Climate breakdown and the ecological emergency demand urgent and far-reaching action and the threats can seem overwhelming.

We live in an increasingly divided society where uncertainty makes us anxious and isolated and change is difficult. But the speed of change needed risks leaving people behind and deepening divisions.

At the same time, our communities are full of creativity. Many people crave connection and are willing to come together to find a new response.

What if…

We provide a catalyst for practical experiments that can point the way to a better future for everyone. We spot ideas, help build social connection around community-led projects that cut carbon emissions and help people and nature thrive, using innovation to help those most at risk of losing out.  

Our practical experiments explore different routes for change. They prove what's possible - or we learn through failure. Successful experiments can serve as powerful examples to inspire people and influence decision-makers. 

Our principles

We are a small team at Friends of the Earth ready to test, fail, learn and move on.

We look for environmental challenges faced by communities.

We design and run small experiments through coaching, bringing people together to design solutions, or funding to test ideas on the ground.

We look for ways to grow promising solutions and tell the story to influence decision-makers like councils or government.

Our projects

Catalyse activity that leaves communities more connected after the work is finished.

Use new approaches, technologies and financial mechanisms where it makes sense.

Make sure new ideas are built with and for those least served by innovation.