The Problem

Development of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing faster than our ability to manage its impacts. 

This is already causing unanticipated problems like the lock-in of existing biases and inequities and massive growth in water and energy use. 

Organisations increasingly dependent on large tech to operate are finding it hard to hold them to account.  


The Challenge

Like other non-profits, while we recognise the value that AI can bring to our impact and operations, fragmented efforts and lack of shared resources mean we don’t yet have the guidelines, frameworks and tools to help navigate the ethical dilemmas posed by AI.

AI’s potential impact is too great to be left to a few billionaires running big tech companies. We need to find effective ways to advocate for AI that serves societal and environmental needs.

How might a campaigning organisation like Friends of the Earth make use of this emerging technology, cut through the hype and discover what (if any) is our role in shaping its future development?


What if…

Nonprofits collaborate to leverage AI for the greater good, amplifying our impact, sharing resources, and ensuring that AI development aligns with our collective mission to serve society and protect the environment. 

Leading by example, we set industry standards for the responsible application of AI and inspire a shift towards more ethical and sustainable practices across all sectors. 

Human-centered technology designed to keep humans in the decision-making loop, enhances curiosity, promotes deep work, and ensures that AI serves to augment human capabilities rather than replace them.

What we did

The Experiments Team has been working on AI since 2019. Here are some aspects of our work.

The Innovation for Impact Network AI Working Group In partnership with WWF, we’ve brought together over 15 international non-profits to learn about AI. Producing articles, cheat sheets, tools and guides designed to empower organizations to adopt AI technologies responsibly and hold the internal conversations on how to shape its future. 

Human+ Technology Manifesto This set of guiding principles emphasises technology that augments human abilities and aligns with our social and environmental values.

Systems mapping and futures thinking By utilizing tools like futures wheels and scenario development, we aim to anticipate AI’s long-term impacts and identify leverage points where we can effect positive change.

Inspiring the next generation of AI leaders. We conducted workshops with Cambridge University's postgraduate data scientists to explore the intersection of environmental ethics and AI - A new wave of professionals equipped to develop AI technologies aligned with ethical principles and environmental stewardship.

Expert insights By commissioning expert consultations and collaborating with organisations like Careful Industries, we are gaining deeper understanding of the AI landscape and the strategies needed to influence it effectively.

What we learned

Collaboration accelerates progress. We can learn more rapidly and develop more effective strategies to address the challenges posed by artificial intelligence.  Establishing clear values is essential for guiding the ethical adoption of AI. Principles serve as a compass to help navigate the complexities of AI implementation. Involving diverse stakeholders—including those with less power and the voiceless—ensures that AI advances consider the needs and perspectives of all members of society. Organisations must engage proactively to anticipate the impacts of emerging technologies and shape their development in positive ways. 

What next?

Expand collaborative networks by continuing to build alliances with other NGOs, tech companies and policymakers to advocate for AI that aligns with human and planetary well-being. 

Influence policy and industry standards through public discourse and policy change. Through our partnership with We Are Open, generously funded by the Green Screen Coalition, we will develop  a vision of AI by and for the environmental justice movement including digital rights and climate justice campaigners


Implement practical experiments to help us understand what strategies are most effective in guiding AI toward positive outcomes and allow us to scale successful approaches.

Educate and empower our staff and partners to ensure that everyone involved is equipped to make informed decisions about AI technologies.

Monitor and adapt strategies to stay responsive to new developments and challenges in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.